Fairies, Goths, Punks, Shadows
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Amazons, Goddesses, Angels, Pixies, Poets, Schoolgirls, Ravers, Loners, Skaters, Dancing inside my head...
For the complete song, click "Band" above. I thought it was appropriate cuz I am... well most of those things. And this is... me. My site. Finally updated. Have fun.
November 5, 2002: Band page updated. I worked on the pics page too, but then freeservers crapped out on me and deleted it all. So I'll get it up soon.

October 27, 2002: Sooo tired. Played with the band for 8 hours straight. Speaking of which, I added our upcoming show to the list under Band. I'll be getting some actually pictures up reeeeeal soon now, as soon as I stop being lazy.

October 12, 2002: What do ya know? I've come back! Wow, took long enough. Um I'll add some pics and some lyrics from my band. Uh... other than that, I'm not updating until I get up to 200 hits, so people better show me they care!

April 7, 2002: Just started trying this thing out. Check back soon for all new stuff. Oh yeah, and it's Cassie's birthday. Happy sweet 16!
looks just like me...

What You'll Find Here
Well, I'm gonna put up some of my poetry. I'll get some cool pictures of my favorite bands and stuff like that. There are links to other sites I find worthy and some of my friends' sites. Funny things that happen to me throughout the day will be posted as well as quotes from my friends and from famous people, mostly because I can't think of my own ideas. So I steal from other people. What else do you want? Any suggestions? Email me!
click it

Current Quote
"What's so wrong with being happy?"

Current Song
Fire Water Burn - the Bloodhound Gang
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