These are some of my friends webpages. I hope you'll go to them and enjoy them. I'll get some other links up here too (bands, movies, etc) pretty soon. Write to me and tell me what kind of links you wanna see!
Oh yeah- and if you've got a site, tell me about it. I don't have enough friends with sites here.
Friends' Pages
What inspired me. Has some pretty good stuff.
Gravyman and Mike have a pretty professional looking site. Check it out.
Hasn't been updated for a long time. Oh well... it's Chris.
Other Stuff
Seconds Left
Gotta support local bands... No really, go here, it's awesome.
Holliston's Personal Hell
If you haven't heard of livejournal yet... you soon will. And you're certainly not from Holliston.
As long as I'm a memeber... Oh yeah, and listen to Sue Strikes Back with me and Cass on Fridays 4-6