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My Friends! (yes I have some...)

The Gang's All Here
Upper left: Mark B., Cass
On the couch, left to right: Tina, Adam Heather
To the right: Sara, Mark S.
On the floor: Courtney
Red chair area: Jesse, Byron, Me
Upper right: Josh, Lauren
Prob my best friend. She's kick ass. We've been thru a lot together, and we'll be thru more I'm sure. I trust her with my life.

Cass: I was watching that crappy movie.
Me: Independence Day?

Me: Well it IS Tuesday.
Cass: It is? I thought it was Monday.
Me: Well it IS Monday.

Cass: And then I'll be like yeah and then she'll be like yeah and then I'll be like keep my father standing tall.
Another great friend. When I need to have someone see things my way, I can turn to her cuz she understands. Tries to make people laugh just like me... but succeeds more often.

Margo: We can dance if we want to.... And sing!

Margo: This is too much rebellion for one day, Tamar. I can't take it! I've already told my mom I'm sleeping over someone's house, and I'm going to a dance. I need to go back to school!!
More like a sister than a friend. At one point. Well she helped me thru a lot of shit... but we've kinda lost touch. That sucks. Oh well, I still love her.

Jen: Oh my god Tamar I love you. I'll get up on the table at lunch and serenade you.

Tamar: (looking at a poster that says "a.) talk things out b.) run away c.) use a bat") Hmm I wonder what the question was that has those choices as answers?
Jen: What do you do when [edited] asks you to the prom?
Wonder who this could be...
hehe. nuff said.